As a 40-year theatre veteran, I have acted in more than 100 plays, directed over 70, produced over 50, and written six full-length plays. I can give you a playwright’s perspective of your writing and an actor’s, director’s, and producer’s assessment. You will gain both artistic and practical viewpoints. My priority will be to bring your unique voice to the forefront. What makes your perspective distinct will make your writing stand out.

Experimenting with non-linear storylines helps to create tension in scenes that feel predictable, adds complexities to characters, and takes your audience on a ride they will never forget. More importantly, it taps into a sense of play and into your subconscious where your best work lives. If you are willing to explore unique narratives for your play, I would love to work with you. Some of those narratives we can explore are time jumps, parallel narratives, tandem narratives, multiple protagonist narratives, flashback narratives, consecutive story narratives, double journeys, and hybrid fractured tandem. Of course, if you’d like to start with the basics, we can do that. Biography: I have an MFA in Acting from The University of Pittsburgh and was the first woman to receive Seattle’s 14/48 Projects’ Mazen Award for embodying the spirit of community and risk-taking inherent in the theatrical process as an actor, director, and playwright. My plays have been produced in Seattle at ACT Theatre, North Seattle Community College, Cornish College, and West of Lenin Theatre. My full-length plays are Pattie Miles is White Hot! ( An erotic case history of an imagined female patient of Sigmund Freud. A solo piece based on D.M. Thomas’ The White Hotel.) A Maid in Bedlam (Romance and moral panic during the free speech debate on college campuses.), The Banks of the Marianne (The line between television and real-life blur for a small community.), Blood Orange Bakersfield (A transgender man in 2009 looks back on his complicated youth in the ’70s.), and The Milosevics (A poignant and comedic look at political power using interviews, trial transcripts, and public records to tell the story of Slobodan Milosevic’s rise to power and his subsequent trial for crimes against humanity.) I have written several comedy sketches with my performance partner Matt Smith for Seattle’s Smitty & Miles. I am currently writing The Swing Years (African American Sisters negotiate their existence after they have both died.) and The Venitian Vow (A Restoration tragic comedy where women play men and men play women, and the political intrigue gets heavy when the sun goes down). We would start with a FREE 30-minute Zoom discovery session so I can hear about your writing goals. I offer 5 playwright support options. My fee for Options Two to five is $75 per hour. Option One: Available when 6 playwrights express interest: My signature Zoom workshop will be weekly meetups using Stephen Jeffreys’ book Playwriting: Structure, Character, How, and What to Write. As a group of 6 - 12 participants, we will work through this groundbreaking text. We will read the book together, discuss, and write. Your cost is the book and $20 per session to be paid in advance. We will start this course after six people have signed - up. Invite your friends. Option Two: You and I meet on Zoom, read the play out loud and discuss edits and additions. 60-minute sessions. Option Three: Email Suite You email me your play (up to 120 pages) I read for 2 – 3 hours creating notes. I give you notes and suggestions. You follow up with questions. I answer the questions. Option Four: We schedule a rehearsal with actors and get your play on its feet. You arrange the space. I arrange the actors. Actors are paid $25 per hour. I am paid my hourly fee. In terms of breaks, rehearsals can’t go over five hours without stopping to take a one-hour break. Plus, there must be a five-minute break after every 55 minutes of rehearsal or a ten-minute break after every 80 minutes of rehearsal. All participants must show proof of vaccination. Option Five: If none of these works for your needs, I’m open to your proposals. I can commit up to 5 hours to your play. If we work together, you must agree to empower, enable, and respect women, LGBTQI, and all people of color in your writing. My services are a hate-free zone. Inquiries or ideas? Let's set up a FREE 30-minute discovery session. Send me an email at ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​